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Writer's pictureAshley Hart

New Year and Higher Business to Busines Lead Expectations from a 2014 Marketing Budget

The new year has started, which means a new digital marketing budget. This is good news and bad news. The good news is your starting off fresh in 2015, but the bad news is, your marketing budget probably hasn’t increased much or at all from the previous year and as the digital marketer, you’re CEO probably expects you to increase your demand generation leads into the sales pipeline by 100%.

Don’t fret, you’re not the only marketer that is expected to double your leads this year. Recent surveys have shown from eMarketer and Business Insider that all marketers working with digital, mobile and social media channels have more pressure on them in 2015, with all of the media hype of how digital marketing is producing better ROIs for companies in 2014 and 2013, comparatively to traditional marketing, such as with television, radio, and print channels.

The best way to increase Business to Business leads, when you don’t have a bigger budget, is to divert funds from less performing marketing channels. Review your 2014 campaigns and really see, which ones you can get rid of and re-purpose into your better performing campaigns, such as into Google Search Engine Marketing (paid), email, and working on your company website to increase leads from Search Engine Optimization (organic). Also, if you don’t have a corporate blog, now is the time to launch one. Studies have shown that corporate blogs that have industry information, serves as research providers for purchase decision-makers, which leads to one of the best conversion rates for moving leads through the sales pipeline for purchasing new software and services.

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