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  • Writer's pictureAshley Hart

Video in the Hero Section of a Homepage is the Next Website Evolution

Add video to homepage hero section

Adding video to the hero section of a B2B or B2C website homepage, not only adds fluid movement to a site to capture a user's attention, but it also increases the likelihood that a prospect will spend more time at a site and increase the potential to converting to a sales lead, download, or sale. According to HubSpot, "86% of business video views occur on desktop and only 14% are viewed on mobile," which means, that digital marketers should use top of website homepages to build a company's brand and promote products visually, with as much impact as they can, thus using video.

Take a look at The Standard Miami Spa site, which is a good example of how a B2C site uses video in the hero section to visually entice potential customers, the moment that they land on the homepage. What works so well with this video in the hero area, is it delivers an emotional branding of The Standard, that once was limited to broadcast television marketing only. The video is visually appealing, although it shows very little of the spa itself and only runs for a few seconds, but potential customers quickly learn about the Standard and its spa. The Standard knows that the spa itself is visually appealing, so they show a video of a customer walking through the spa in a robe, expressing to the potential customer viewing this video, that this "could be you."

B2B cloud-based education literacy software company, Achieve 3000, uses an explainer video in the hero section of their site, in a similar way, that The Standard has, in showing what their product is and who it is for. Regardless of whether your company is targeting B2B or B2C customers, a hero video works for either type of website.

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New York, NY USA

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